Words : Numbers

In this page, the words denoting number have been given for your reference.

This is a list of words which you may need in your writing or speaking.

• Covey…A small number of birds

• Pack…A number of wolves

• School…A number of whales

• Gam… A number of whales

• Herd…A number of swine feeding or driven together

• Pack…A number of submarines

• Nest…A number of snakes living in the same place

• Flock…A number of sheep

• Rookery…A number of seals

• Rookery…A number of rooks

• Nest…A number of rabbits living in the same place

• Bevy…A number of quails

• School …A number of porpoises

• Gam…A number of porpoises

• Drove…A number of ponies driven together

• Muster…A number of peacocks

• Team…A number of oxen or horses harnessed together

• Troop…A number of monkeys

• Shoal…A number of mackerel

• Swarm…A number of locusts

• Troop…A number of lions

• Leap…A number of leopards

• Bevy…A number of larks

• Flight…A number of insects moving together

• Pack…A number of hounds

• Stud…A number of horses kept for riding, racing, and breeding

• Drove…A number of horses driven together

• Shoal…A number of herrings

• Gaggle…A number of geese

• Catch …A number of fish taken in a net

• Haul…A number of fish taken in a net

• Troop…A number of cavalry soldiers

• Herd…A number of cattle feeding or driven together

• Flight…A number of birds moving together

• Swarm… A number of bees

• Flight…A number of bees moving together

• Hive…A number of bees living in the same place

• Bevy…A number of beautiful girls

• Pack…A number of asses

• Swarm…A number of ants

• Nest…A number of ants living in the same place

• Nest … A number of rabbits living in the same place

• Nest … A number of snakes living in the same place

• Barren…A number of mules

• Brood… A number of chickens hatched at the same time

• Litter… A number of pigs, dogs, cats brought forth at one birth

• Kindle… A number of kittens

• Poultry… A collection of fowls, ducks etc…

• Cast… A couple of hawks

• Skein… a number of wild geese or swans in flight

• Zoo… A collection of wild animals

• Menagerie… A collection of wild animals

• Vivarium… A collection of wild animals

• Congregation…A number of people at church

• Audience…A number of people listening to a concert or a lecture

• Spectators…A number of people looking on at a foot-ball match

• Crowd… A number of people collected together in a street

• Gathering…A number of people gathered together for a purpose

• Assembly… A number of people gathered together for a purpose

• Society… A number of people gathered together for a purpose

• Coterie…A group of people who get together to work forsome cause

• Mob…A number of disorderly people

• Rabble… A number of disorderly people

• Canaille… A number of disorderly people

• Horde…A number of savages

• Choir…a number of singers in a church

• Host…A collection of angels

• Troupe…A number of artists, dancers, acrobats

• Company…A number of actors

• Staff…A number of servants

• Tribe… A number of persons of the same race or characters

• Cortege…A number of people following a funeral

• Bevy…A number of beautiful girls

• Army…A number of soldiers

• Troop… A number of soldiers

• Battalion… A number of soldiers

• Regiment… A number of soldiers

• Crew…a number of sailors manning a ship

• Gang…A number of workmen, prisoners, thieves etc…

• Gang…A number of slaves

• Coffle… A number of slaves

• Posse…A number of constables called to enforce the law

• Jury…A number of jurymen engaged in a case

• Panel… A number of jurymen engaged in a case

• Bench…A number of Judges or bishops

• Board…A number of directors of a company

• Anthology…A collection of poems

• Library …A collection of books

• Collection… A number of pictures, curiosities etc…

• Rope…A collection of pearls

• Bouquet…A collection of flowers

• Bunting…A collection of flags

• Chest…. A collection of drawers

• Fleet…A number of buses

• Fleet…A number of ships

• Fleet…A number of Lorries

• Convoy…A number of merchant ships protected by warships

• Herbarium…A collection of dried plants

• Cluster…A number of nuts

• Cluster… A number of grapes on a bunch

• Clump…A number of trees

• Forest… A large collection of trees

• Stack…A collection wood

• Stack… A collection of hay

• Stack…A collection of corn piled together

• Hamlet…A cluster of houses in a village

• Constellation…A number of stars grouped together

• Pencil…A collection of rays

• Clutch…A collection of eggs

• Suite…A set of furniture, rooms etc…

• Skein…A quantity of woolen thread

• Batch…A quantity of bread baked at the same time

• Shock…A mass of hair

• Fell…A mass of hair

• Claque…A number of hired applauders

• Truss…A bundle of hay

• Set…a collection of tools

• Carillon…A set of bells placed together for a tune to be played on them

• Bale…A quantity of cotton

• Bale…A quantity of wool

• Tuft…A quantity of grass

• Sheaf…A bunch of corn-plants

• Sheaf…A collection of arrows

• Hand… A bundle of bananas

• Group…A number of islands

• Crate…A collection of fruits

• Crate… A collection of crockery

• Field…A number of athletes

• Nest…A number of machine-guns

• Nest… A number of shelves

This list of words contains words which you will use in your expressions.

Keep these words in a safe place so that you can get them whenever you need them.

You could find more such words in other sections in this site.

Go to the Vocabulary Index Page



