Written English
Your power of Written English is one of your best friends. The knowledge of English grammar and sentence construction acquired in the preceding sections can be put to real use in this section. The sections that you may find in this page aim to help you build up your communication skills.
Good Writing Skills will increase your chances of success in many aspects of life. In addition to very good command over the grammatical-aspects of English Language, speaking and writing in a precise manner is the inevitable facet of student-life. Grammar makes only the basics whereas writing is the purpose for which we learn the languages. Since English is the highly used language in this Computer-cum-Internet world, the students should turn all stones to see that they master the writing skills. You can not communicate effectively if you are merely able to produce correct sentences. You should be able to form a number of related or connected sentences in real-life situations. You should learn to write a paragraph, a letter, an essay, a story, etc…This page will give you plenty of guidance and practice in such forms of composition. We have developed few good guidelines on Writing which will be of great academic help for the students. Unity, Order and Clarity….These are the main characteristics of good writing in general. You must practice a lot. You can learn to write by writing. The pages on Comprehension and Précis Writing contain ample practice materials. Précis writing is a good exercise in both reading and writing. Practice in précis writing is of great value for practical life. In any position of life, the ability to grasp what is read or heard and to reproduce it clearly and briefly is of the utmost value. Over the period of time, one should synthesis one’s own ideads and creativity and produce them in their own worlds which will be treated as master pieces by all the learned people around the entire world. The page on dialogue-writing is specially geared for students who need to improve their Spoken English. Pages on paraphrase, expansion of passages and reproduction of story and poems integrate comprehension and writing skills. It is hoped that when you finish reading this site, you will find yourself capable of using English effectively and confidently in all situations. Only those who excel at writing as well as speaking go to places in their respective professions. Students, especially who are aspiring to enter Universities and Colleges for higher education have to write University Essays. Since University Essay Writing is prerequisite for the students to prove their command over the English Language, students have to practice Writing. Here are few custom essays for your kind perusal. From the point of submitting the applications to various renowned universities to the point of preparing the project-reports, writing is an integral part of education. Writing makes one perfect. The better the students in their presentation, the higher their grade in their academic record will be. We need not Highlight the intricacies of writing. We are here only to guide the students through the maze of writing skills. Previous Page | Written English to HOME PAGE |
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