Y means inclined to, tend to. Y is used as a Suffix.It is a very valuable key because it shows its effectiveness clearly. That single letter added to a root word has an immediate and powerful effect. It characterize, not the root word, but the person to whom the adjective is applied.

Example: 'Smart' is a complimentary word, of genuine praise.'Smarty' shows up a fake. Being shown this difference, has changed many a smart-aleck into a genuinely smart person.


It has been noted here how the word should be pronounced and whether the word is a noun or a verb or an adjective or an adverb.

1. Cheery- cheer Y (cheer’ ee) adj.

Tends to see the bright side; cheerful

2. Catty – Catt Y (kat’ ee) adj.

Tends to be stealthy; spiteful

3. Arty – art Y (Art’ ee) adj.

Inclined to be artistic, but really so.

4. Crafty – craft Y (kraf’ tee) adj.

Inclined to sly; tricky

5. Furry – furr Y (fur’ ee) adj.

Tends to be covered with fur

6. Dreary – drear Y (dreer’ ee) adj.

Tends to be dull; as, as dreary day

7. Faulty – fault Y (Faul’ tee) adj.

Inclined to be at fault

8. Dirty –Dirt Y (dirt’ ee) adj.

Tends to be unclean, soiled

9. Smarty –smart Y (smart’ ee) Adj.

Inclined to tricky, smart-alecky

10. Foxy –fox Y (fox’ ee) adj.

Tends to be bit sly, like a fox

11. Hairy –hair Y (hair’ee) adj.

Tends to have more hair than needed

12. Itchy – itch’ Y (itch’ee) adj.

Inclined to itch, bother some

13. Misty – mist Y (Mis’ tee) adj.

Tends to be obscured by slight mist

14. Pretty – prett’ Y (Prit’ ee) adj.

Tends to beauty, has not quite reached it

15. Rosy – ros Y (roze’ ee) adj.

Tends to be pinkish, like a rose

16. Salty – salt Y (sal’ tee) adj.

Tends to taste of salt

17. Sleepy – sleep Y (sleep’ ee) adj.

Inclined to sleep, not wide awake

18. Slinky – slink Y (slink’ ee) adj.

Inclined to slither, like a snake

19. Wary – war Y (ware’ ee) adj.

Tends to be watchful; on guard

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