A Parcel for The Postmaster

A Parcel for The Postmaster :

Read the following letter written by Surendra Shekhawat to the post master of his area about the problem of irregular delivery of mail in his area.

Surendra Shekhawat
House No. 36, Gandhi Nagar
Naka Madar
Ajmer District
PIN : 305 007

5 November - 2011

The Postmaster
Sub Post Office
Gandhi Nagar, Naka Madar
Ajmer District
PIN : 305 007


Dear Sir,

Subject : Delivery of mail in our area

This is to inform you that the delivery of letters, parcels and any other postal items is not made regularly in our area by the appointed postman on duty. Many of my letters have not reached me at all. On checking with my neighbours, I found out that they had the same complaints.

In fact, last week Mr. Patel received a telegram informing him of a relative's death who had died almost a month ago. You will agree that this is terrible and that something needs to be done urgently to improve the service.

We would like some strong action to be taken against the person for not carrying out his duties sincerely.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Read the following letter written by Surendra Shekhawat to the post master of his area about the problem of irregular delivery of mail in his area.

A Parcel for The Postmaster :

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