A Story about the Most Miserable Man in the World

A Story about the Most Miserable Man in the World :

The most miserable man in the world was born in a one-room log cabin with dirt floors. His father could not read or write and could barely even sign his name. He got in frequent fights with his father and his mother died when the boy was just nine years old. He earned $55 a year as post master of his town and worked odd jobs to make ends meet. Because his father couldn't read or write, the young man prioritized his education above all else. He also got to know people in his town and was considered very friendly, likable and funny. The man fell in love with a young woman shortly after moving away from home. But she fell ill and passed away. He didn't want to go on living any longer. But, he pushed on and continued his studies, passing his state bar exam and becoming a lawyer. Despite his outward successes, he was deeply depressed and contemplated suicide often. He was married to a women he didn't love and on top of that, lost twice in running for the U.S. Senate. However, he later went on to become the 16th president of the United States and was perhaps one of the most well known. His name was Abraham Lincoln.

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