A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

As you sow so shall you reap.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

These are proverbs which are equivalent to this above mentioned proverb. The proverb means that if we sow seeds we will reap seeds and if we sow weeds we will reap weeds. So the result of any of our work depends on the effort and hard work we put into the process.

Buddha had nothing to start his religion but he started to care for the people and helped them in many ways and soon he became a popular man among the people. He started spreading the message of love and nonviolence. Soon he had a lot of followers because people started liking his message. Meanwhile there are many dictators and political leaders who spread the message of hate and they have either been assassinated or murdered. So what we get in our life is always related to our attitude in life.

Fleming was a Scottish farmer. One day he saved a boy’s life that was in dire danger. The boy went home and told his father who was a noble man. The noble man thanked Fleming for his kind deed and offered to educate Fleming’s son. After many years Alexander Fleming became a Scientist and discovered penicillin which was used to save Sir Winston Churchill who was none else than son of the noble man Lord Randolph Churchill.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

This proverb profoundly means that a rare act or an appreciable or a praiseworthy deed which is of immense benefit not only to self but to the whole society as well gives joyousness and pleasure to our mind forever. It also makes the person who does such a deed immortal.

John Keats wrote this immortal line. He means, by this line, not the beauty of a thing but a beautiful thing. Through our senses we enjoy the apparent beauty only. It has the limitations to some extent only. The outward beauty may be deceptive. An artistically looking cup may have poison in it. A well-dressed and decent-looking man may be cruel at heart. That’s why Socrates said, “Beauty is a short lived reign". The real beauty lies in deeds, in mental and spiritual out look.

Keats witnessed beauty in nature and glorified it. He described that beautiful object is always a source of delight. It means that any beautiful thing happened in life or described in literature or witnessed in nature or in arts is a source of joy. The things such as a great poem, a high statue, a beautiful building like Taj Mahal, a sweet song and so forth remain in our memory for a long time and are sources of joy. Apart from these, the fecund mission and significant accomplishment which are of efficacious forever to the whole society are of beauty beyond the outward appearance.

Gandhi dressed like an ordinary peasant man and fought for India’s freedom. The cozy and costly dressed British astonished to see him but respected and praised for his ideals. Everyone still speaks of him for his determination and mission.

Similarly the ugly looking Abraham Lincoln’s deeds were the most handsome. He abolished slavery in America which was a rare act of the time. Though it cost him his life, it made him immortal.

The outward beauty looks beautiful but deceptive most often dangerous. But the inner beauty or the beautiful thing is imperishable and is a source of joy forever.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


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