
This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix AL which means RELATING TO. It is one of the most useful keys. AL can be attached to a vast number of words and brings to all of them the simple and all-important message of RELATIONSHIP. This is the basic idea of this system of vocabulary building. Words are not isolated symbols. They are related to each other by their prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

1. Sensual: sensu AL (sensh’ u al) adj.

Relating to the senses

2. Autumnal: autumn AL (au tum’ nal) adj.

Relating to the autumn of the year

3. Animal: anim AL (an’ I mal) n.

Relating to creatures which live and breathe

4. Aural: aur AL (aur’ al) adj.

Relating to the ear; heard

5. Cerebral: cerebr AL (se ree’ bral) adj.

Relating to the brain

6. Decimal: decim AL (dec’ I mal) adj.

Relating to the system of counting based on ten

7. Gradual: gradu AL (graj’ u wal) adj.

Relating to movement by steps or degrees

8. Intellectual: intellectu AL (int el ek’ chu wal) adj.

Relating to the power to think

9. Infernal: inferrn AL (in tern’ al) adj.

Relating to hell

10. Internal: intern AL (in tern’ al) adj.

Relating to the inside part of

11. Manual: manu AL (man’ yu al) adj.

Relating to the hand

12. Mental: ment AL (nach’ us ral) adj.

Relating to the mind

13. Natural: nature AL (nach’ us ral) adj.

Relating to nature; unforced

14. Optional: option AL (op’ shun al) adj.

Relating to a matter of choice

15. Oral: or AL (or’ al) adj.

Relating to the mouth; spoken

16. Reprisal: repris AL (re prie’ zal) n.

Related to the paying back of evil for evil

17. Spiritual: spiritu AL (spir’ ich u al) adj.

Relating to the spirit as opposed to the body

18. Technical: technic AL (tek’ ni kal) adj.

Relating to mechanical arts

19. Usual: usu AL (yuzh’ u al) adj.

Relating to the common things; normal; ordinary

20. Phenomenal: phenomen AL (fe nom’ in al) adj.

Relating to what is unusual among its kind

Etymology Index