This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix BE. It is a word that has less meaning than it has personality. It does not change the meaning of a word, but it makes the word richer, stronger and fuller than the Root’s own meaning. No. 6 means to blockade. No.9 means to be covered with complete darkness, no light of a star. No.15 means to make filthy all over. BE makes everything INTENSE.
1. Bedeck : BE deck (be dek’) v.
To cover up; dress with finery
2. Bedight : BE dight (be dite’) v.
To adorn; as, Spenser’s line; “With woody moss bedight."
3. Beguile : Be guile (be gile’) v.
To bewitch; to deceive
4. Behavior : BE havior (be hay’ vyer) n.
One’s manner; one’s conduct
5. Belabor : BE labor (be lay’ bor) v.
To beat soundly; to thwack
6. Beleaguer : BE leaguer (be lee’ ger) v.
To blockade; to surround; as, with an army
7. Beloved : BE loved (be luvd’) adj.
Loved with great intensity
8. Bemused : BE mused (by myuzd’) adj.
Carried away in a dream state
9. Benighted : BE knighted (b nite’ ed) adj.
Overtaken by night or darkness
10. Bewail : BE wail (be wale’) v.
To weep for; express great sorrow; mourn
11. Behoove : BE hoove (be huve’) v.
To be necessary or proper; as, it behooves us to help others
12. Bequest : Be quest (be kwest’) n.
A gift; a legacy
13. Berate : BE rate (be rate’) v.
To scold loudly; harshly
14. Bestow : BE stow (be stoe’) v.
To give; to grant; as, the bestow blessings
15. Besmirch : BE smirch (be smirch’) v.
To make filthy; bespatter; befoul
16. Bereave : BE reave (be reve’) v.
To rob; deprive cruelly
17. Bestride : BE stride (be stride’) v.
To stride across; as, " He doth bestride the world …."
18. Betroth : BE troth (be troth’) v.
To become engaged; affiance
19. Betoken : Be token (be toe’ ken) v.
To forewarn; as, a dark cloud may betoken a storm
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