Borrowing dulls the edges of husbandry.

Borrowing dulls the edges of husbandry.

Borrowing dulls the edges of husbandry.

This proverb advises that one who borrows money frequently to buy things to be looked more prosperous than others has to remain a borrower throughout one's lifetime. It also advises to adjust one’s expenditures within one’s means and income which otherwise leads to lose one’s own name and image.

This statement is found in the Shakespeare’s play HAMLET. This very useful statement to even human being of today was quoted by the character Polonius - an aged courtier. Nowadays man’s life has become very fancied and competitive. Everyone desires to make him prosperous by any means than others. He wants to be showy and so he buys very costly and fancy things whether they are useful or not beyond his means so as to show others that he leads a prosperous life. If he is not afforded to buy them with his income, he doesn’t hesitate to borrow money. In due course borrowing becomes his habit and makes him a spendthrift which leads him to remain a borrower throughout his lifetime. It is unwise to borrow money to maintain such a showy life. When he is not able to pay the debts, it spoils his good will and thereby loses his self-respect and dignity. This proverb is very aptly fit not only for a single person but the underdeveloped and developing countries too. They borrow and take huge loans from other rich nations to compete and show their neighboring nations that they are powerful and so they can’t stand independently and have to abide by the norms of the rich nations.

Gray De Maupassant explained in his story THE DIAMOND NECKLACE how a couple sports their whole life in paying the debts for having borrowed ignorantly an artificial necklace. Shakespeare also insists the same in THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The generous and soft moving Antonio borrowed money from the stony hearted Jewish merchant Shvlock. When Antonio was not able to pay the debt in time, he had to face the trial which cost his life.

So one should learn to adjust one’s expenditure within his means and try to lead one’s life within one’s own resources and means. This will ensure happiness and dignity. The future generations of those who live simple and frugal life will be bright and prosperous. We all have to ensure that our children lead a better and painless life. For this to happen, we should live a simple and burdenless life.

Borrowing dulls the edges of husbandry.


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