
ROOT-WORD is the Suffix CIAN which is really an extension of the Suffix AN & NATIVE TO. CIAN means HAVING A CERTAIN SKILL or ART. The beautiCIAN is one who knows how to create beauty. The PolitiCIAN knows how to manipulate politics. The musician knows how to create music; and so on with the rest of the list. Bear that in mind when you see CIAN, TIAN : ONE WHO.

1. Logician : logi CIAN (lo jish’ an).

An expert in the science of logic

2. Musician : musi CIAn (my zish’ an) n.

One skilled in music

3. Beautician : beauty CIAN (byue tish’ an) n.

An expert in beauty care

4. Dietician, or dietitian: dieti CIAN (die e tish’ an) n.

An expert in foods and nutrition

5. Statistician : statistic CIAN (stat i stish’ an) n.

An expert in compiling statistics

6. Technician : Techni CIAN (tek nish’ an) n.

An expert in the industrial arts

7. Pyrotechnician : Pyrotechni CIAN (pie ro tek nish’ an) n.

An expert at displaying fireworks

8. Magician : magi CIAN (ma jish’ an) n.

One skilled in magic

9. Mathematician : mathematic CIAN (math e ma tish’ an) n.

One skilled in mathematics

10. Mortician : morti CIAN (e lek trish’ an) n.

One versed in the practice of electricity

11. Electrician : elect ri CIAN (e lek trici an)n.

One versed in electrical works

12. Obstetrician : obstetric CIAN (ob ste trish’ an) n.

A physician whose specialty is delivering babies

13. Patrician : patri CIAN (pa trish’ an) n.

One nobly born in ancient Roman society; aristocrat

14. Pediatrician : pediatric CIAN (pede ee a trish’ an) n.

A physician whose specialty is the care of children

15. Physician : physic CIAN (fi zish’ an) n.

Another name for a doctor

16. Optician : opti CIAN (op tish’ an) n.

One whose specialty is making eyeglasses and other optical instruments

17. Politician : politi CIAN (pol i tish’ an) n.

An expert in politics

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