
What is the meaning of cowboy?

Remember those old classic westerns? A cowboy was usually someone who took care of cattle — branding them, feeding them, and moving them from one place to another. The word has taken on an additional meaning. Nowadays, anyone can be called a cowboy. Even ordinary folks like you and me. When you refer to someone as being a cowboy, what you mean is that he is not an honest person. He is reckless and ignores rules that most people obey. He is not only unqualified, but also incompetent. People who drive very fast, disobeying traffic rules are often called cowboys.

Here are a few examples.

* The taxi driver who drove me to the airport was a real cowboy.

* I wouldn't buy anything from those builders. They are a bunch of cowboys.

* Jai's first job was with a bunch of cowboy solicitors.

COURTESY : The Hindu (The National News-Paper) - India

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