flex & flect

These ROOT-WORDS are FLECT & FLEX from the Latin, flectere, to BEND. Roots which combine easily with other ones are the most interesting. This one with its various spellings is one of these. The word list used eighteen words to combine with FLEX, FLECT & FLICK and every combination makes a good word which you can easily make you own.

1. Flex : FLEX (fieks) v.

To bend; as, to flex the arm

2. Flexible : FLEX ible (flek; si b’l) adj.

Able to bend

3. Flexibility : FLEX ibility (flek si bil’ it ee) n.

Quality of being able to bend

4. Flexile : FLEX ile (fiek’ sil) adj.

Flexible; tractable; as, a flexile nature

5. Flection : FLECT ion (flek; shun) n.

The act of bending

6. Flexor : FLEX or (flek’ sor) n.

A muscle which serves to bend a limb

7. Flexuose : FLEX uose (flek; shu os) adj

Relaxed; adaptable; not rigid

8. Flexuous : FLEX uous (fleksh; u us) adj.

Having many bends, turns

9. Genuflection : genu FLECT ion (jen yu flek; shun) n.

The bending of the knee

10. Deflect : de FLECT (de fiekt’) v.

Bend away; as, deflect the missile from its target 11. Inflection : in FLECT ion (in fiek; shun) n.

The rise and fall of the voice, as, the inflection of his voice

12. Reflect : re FLECT (re fiekt’) v.

Turn back and forth in the mind; as, to reflect on an idea

13. Reflection : re FLECT ion (re flek’ shun) n.

An image thrown back; as, a reflection in a mirror

14. Reflexive : re FLEX ive (re flek; siv) adj.

Bent back on itself; as, a reflexive pronoun

15. Reflective : re FLECT ive (re flek; tiv) adj.


16. Reflector : re FLECT or (re flek’ tor) n.

That which reflects light

17. Circumflexion : circum FLEX ion (sir kum flek’ shun) n.

A bending around and around

18. Reflectoscope : re FLECT oscope (re flek; toe skope) n.

A magic lantern, a device that places an image on a screen

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