He who follows two hares catches neither.

He who follows two hares catches neither.

He who follows two hares catches neither.

This proverb stresses that one who tries to chase two hares is not going to catch two running hares at a time cannot follow the directions of both of them and he will be losing both of them. The two hares run in different directions and so one cannot go in chase of either of them. This phrase is similar to the proverb JACK OF ALL TRADES BUT MASTER OF NONE which means that a man who knows a little bit of every trades never knows the whole of any trade. To compete in this world we should be well talented and instead of trying our hands at various things we should train ourselves in one trade.

A person who wants to achieve anything must concentrate on that thing only and not on two or many. A person who wants to reach the destination and also in time must go through only one road which leads properly to the destination. One who pays full devotion, concentration and determination to one job or task at a time can earn fame and name and also achieve amazing success. Nowadays people have ample number of opportunities to make their future bright. They have to select carry on only one with great determination. Also they should devote themselves with full confidence and concentration.

Hygiene is two thirds of health.

Hygiene is very important for a healthy life. Hygiene means being clean both bodily and eating clean food and drinking clean water. Health is very important in our life and is illustrated by the proverbs like HEALTH IS WEALTH and IF HEALTH IS LOST SOMETHING IS LOST.

The most important cause of illness is diseases caused by micro organisms. Most of the micro organisms spread through the air, water and food. So if we wash our hands cleanly before taking the food we will able to avoid the spread of the infection. Thus we will be free of these diseases and consequently we will be healthy. Similarly brushing our teeth in the morning and before going to bed and taking bath in the morning and in the evening are good hygienic habits. So having a good hygiene is two thirds of good health. Eating nutritious foods in time and in right quantity is the best way to maintain hygiene in our life. AT the same time, we should avoid sitting and sleeping in an unclean environment. Water plays a vital role in our life. So, we should take in only clean and hygienically sterilized water. Hot and filtered water is enough to maintain healthy life.

He who follows two hares catches neither.


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