Interact with Your Child

Interact with Your Child :

“I do not know how to interact with my preschooler in the right way. Will this create any problem for him?" asks an anxious young mother from Mumbai – India.

There are many such mother who have experienced the same situations with their children. We have to take care of the emotional conditions and the emotional growth of the children. By feeding the emotions of the children in the right manner, we could bring the best out of them. Their future will be of great quality. Let us see what we can do for this.

At this age your child is experiencing a rapid growth in learning facts, and handling emotions. Lots of intimate time with parents is critical for your preschooler’s emotional and intellectual development. You should find at least a couple of hours every day to spend with your child expressing your affections emotionally and physically. Here are some tips that you can work on.

Floor Time Building Blocks :

Get down to your Child’s level and work together at building that train track or tower. What matters is not that intellectual work of the building, but the emotional work of connection you make over it. The nurturing support you offer when the project stumbles will help your child cope with such situations in future.

Special Time to make Him a Hero :

Spend some special time with your child during which he takes the lead role. Let him design the game and make his own rules. Play with him in his own world, and have fun. Making your child the leader of your game will allow him to understand leadership qualities. Playing such games will also help to build an intimate bond with your child.

Cozy Time with Books :

Take a pile of books, and just snuggle up on the couch for a lazy half hour. Make sure that you have enough time to talk about what you are reading. Reading stories to your child is also a game. Asking questions while you are reading will help the child to improve his thinking capabilities. Lead him to the right answer by giving small clues.

Remember, it is not just the amount of time you spend with your child that is important. More important is HOW you spend the time with your child.

Make it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself. (George Bernard Shaw)

Interact with Your Child :

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