ity & ty

These ROOT-WORDS are the Suffixes TY & ITY which mean STATE OF & QUALITY. These ROOT-WORDS make nouns from adjectives, as pure - purITY. Sometimes only TY is used, as in liberTY, HumpTY DumpTY, and others. Both forms mean the same thing - STATE & QUALITY.

1. Celerity : celer ITY (se ler’ it ee) n.

The quality of quickness; speed

2. Absurdity : absurd ITY (ab surd’ it ee) n.

The state of being ridiculous

3. Acerbity : acerb ITY (a ser’ bit ee) n.

The quality of bitterness

4. Acuity : acu ITY (a kyue’ it ee) n.

The quality of sharpness, as a needle

5. Debility : debil ITY (de bil’ it ee) n.

A state of weakness

6. Ambiguity : ambigu ITY (am bi gyue’ it ee) n.

The quality of uncertainty in meaning

7. Authority : author ITY (au thor’ it ee) n.

The state of having power to act

8. Amenity : amen ITY (a men’ it ee) n.

The quality of pleasantness

9. Captivity : captiv ITY (cap tiv’ it ee) n.

State of being held captive

10. Ability : abil ITY (a bil’ it ee) n.

The quality of being able to do things

11. Charity : char ITY (char’ it ee) n.

Kindness to the poor

12. Chastity : chast ITY (chas’ tit ee) n.

The state of sexual purity

13. Clarity : clar ITY (clar’ it ee) n.

Quality of clearness

14. Complexity : complex ITY (kom plek’ sit ee) n.

The quality of being complicated

15. Adversity : advers ITY (ad ver’ sit ee) n.

The state of bad fortune, suffering

16. Dignity : dign ITY (dig’ nit ee) n.

The state of being worthy; self respect

17. Eternity : etern ITY (e ter’ nit ee) n.

State of timelessness; time without end

18. Fraternity : fratern ITY (fra ter’ nit ee) n.

The quality of being brothers

19. Garrulity : garrul ITY (ga ru’ lit ee) n.

The quality of talkativeness

20. Luminosity : luminos ITY (lu mi nos’ it ee) n.

The state of having a great deal of light; brilliance

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