multi & multus
These ROOT-WORDS are MULTUS & MULTI which come from the Latin mulus which means MANY & MUCH. This ROOT has mathematical significance, being completely involved with the process of MULTIplication. The very minute you see this ROOT you know MUCH. No. 10 might be inconvenient, if four babies appeared at once, but no one minds the state of being a MULTImillionaire, or seeing a MULTItude of stars.
An organism with many feet; as, a centipede 12. Multiple : MULTI ple (mul’ ti p’l) adj. Consisting of more than one; manifold 13. Multiplicand : MULTI plicand (mul ti pli kand’) n. That number in an example which is to be multiplied 14. Multiplication : MULTI placation (mul ti pli kay’ shun) n. An arithmetical process for increasing a number quickly 15. Multiplicity : MULTI plicity (mul ti plis’ it ee) n. The quality of being multiple; as, a multiplicity of thoughts 16. Multiply : MULTI ply (myl’ ti pile) v. To increase a number quickly by multiplication 17. Multitude : MULTI tude (mul’ ti tyude) n. A great number; cannot be counted 18. Multiplex : MULTI plex (mul’ ti pleks) adj. Manifold; multiple 19. Multiplier : MULTI plier (mul’ ti plie er) n. One who or that which multiplies | ||||||