plac & plais

These ROOT-WORDS are PLAC & PLAIS from the Latin placere meaning to PLEASE. Both mean the same thing. Why are they spelled differently? PLAIS shows the French influence on the Latin word. As a result, in English, even though the forms are pronounced similarly, they are spelled differently.

1. Placebo : PLAC ebo (play chay’ bo) n.

A useless but soothing medication; something intended to soothe; gratify; conciliate

2. Placet : PLAC et (play’ set) n.

Expression of assent

3. Placid : PLAC id (plas’ id) adj.

Calm, unruffled; as, a placid nature

4. Placidity : PLAC idity (pla sid’ it ee) n.

Quality of calmness; serenity

5. Placidness : PLAC idness (plas’ id nes) n.

State of being calm

6. Placidly : PLAC idly (plas’ id lee) adv.


7. Placidamente : PLAC idamente (pla chee da men’ ta) adv.

Evenly; calmly, in musical direction

8. Placate : PLAC ate (play’ kate) v.

To pacify; appease; conciliate

9. Placation : PLAC ation (play kay’ shun) n.

Act of appeasement; a conciliatory gift

10. Placative : PLAC ative (play’ kate iv) adj.

Placatory; soothing
11. Placable : PLAC able (plak’ a b’l) adj.

Able to be appeased, soothed

12. Implacable : im PLAC able (im plak’ a b’l) adj.

Cannot be appeased, soothed

13. Placatory : PLAC atory (play’ ka tore e) adj.

Appeasing; soothing

14. Complacent : com PLAC ent (kom plase’ ent) adj.


15. Complacence : com PLAC ence (kom plase’ ens) n.


16. Complacently : com PLAC ently (kom plase’ ent lee) adv.

In a satisfied manner

17. Complacency : com PLAC ency (kom plase’ en see) n.


18. Complaisant : com PLAIS ant (kom plase’ ent) adj.

Affable; gracious; disposed to please

19. Complaisance : com PLAIS ance (kom plase’ ens) n.

Courtesy; civility; affability

20. Complaisantly : com PLAIS antly (kom plase’ ent lee) adv.

0 Obligingly; affably


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