
ROOT-WORD is SCOPE which comes from scopos, meaning WATCH & SEE. The number of instruments which SCOPE one thing or another increases every day it seems. Soon there will be no need to read about anything because we’ll be able to see it. We’ll just reach out for a handy little SCOPE and presto! One picture is worth a thousand words. Years ago there was talk about attaching a SCOPE of some sort to the telephone. It would be nice to see the person one says “Hello!" to. Would that be called a PHONOSCOPE?

1. Baroscope : baro SCOPE (bar’ o skope) n.

Instrument showing changes in atmospheric pressure

2. Autoscope : auto SCOPE (au’ to skope) n.

An instrument for seeing one’s own organs

3. Bioscope : bio SCOPE (bio’ o skope) n.

Instrument for measuring time

5. Endoscope : Endo SCOPE (en’ do skope) n.

Instrument for showing the internal organs

6. Gyroscope : gyro SCOPE (en’ do bio SCOPE (bio’ o skope) n.

Instrument for measuring time

5. Endoscope : Endo SCOPE (en’ do skope) n.

Instrument for showing the internal organs

6. Gyroscope : gyro SCOPE (jie’ ro skope) n.

A wheel mounted on an axis capable of spinning rapidly

7. Helioscope : helio SCOPE (hee’ li o skope) n.

Instrument to view the sun without eye injury

8. Horoscope : horo SCOPE (hor’ o skope) n.

A chart used by an astrologer to tell fortunes

9. Hydroscope : hydro SCOPE (hie’ dro skope) n.

A device to view the depths of the sea

10. Kaleidoscope : kaleido SCOPE (ka lide’ o skope) n.

11. Periscope : peri SCOPE (per’ i skope) n.

An instrument for viewing on all sides

12. Photoscope : photo SCOPE (foe’ to skope) n.

Instrument for taking photos of lip ments in rapid succession

13. Seismoscope : seismo SCOPE (size’ mo skope) n.

Instrument to record occurrence and time of earthquakes

14. Spectroscope : spectro SCOPE (spek’ tro skope) n.

Instrument for viewing the sun’s spectrum

15. Telescope : tele SCOPE (tel’ e skope) n.

Instrument for viewing distant objects

16. Radioscope : radio SCOPE (ray’ di o skope) n.

Instrument for detecting the presence of radioactive substances

17. Stethoscope : stetho SCOPE (steth’ o skope) n.

Instrument for hearing sounds produced within the body; as, heartbeats and murmurs

18. Thermoscope : thermo SCOPE (ther’ mo skope) n.

Instrument used to measure changes of temperature

19. Microscope : micro SCOPE (mie’ kro skope) n.

Instrument to view organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye

20. Fluoroscope : fluoro SCOPE (flur’ o skope) n.

Instrument used to observe the interior of something opaque; as, the human body

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