black hat = white hat
used in reference to the bad {or good) party in a situation
This idiom refers to the colour of the hats traditionally worn by the bad (or good) characters in cowboy films.
be all hat and no cattle
tend to talk boastfully without acting on your words - US informal
keep something under your hat keep
something a secret
pass the hat round
collect contributions of money from a number of people for a specific purpose
pick something out of a hat select
something, especially the winner of a contest, at random
pull one out of the hat
bring off an unexpected trick in an apparently desperate situation
The image here is of a rabbit pulled out of a magician's hat.
1971 - James McClure - The Steam Pig - I must say you've really pulled one out of the hat this time.
take your hat off to
state your admiration for someone who has achieved something – British
throw your hat into the ring
indicate willingness to take up a challenge or enter a contest
1998 - Times - We have been anticipating that South Africa would throw its hat into the ring for some time and have a high regard for the candidacy.
white hat :
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