A Word A Day : Agglomerate

Saturday, 8th September 2007 : Today's Word is ...


( Verb, Noun & Adjective )

Pronunciation : (a-glo-me-rat)

1. To form or collect into a rounded mass

2. A confused or jumbled mass

3. A volcanic rock consisting of rounded and angular fragments fused together

4. Gathered into a rounded mass

5. A collection of objects laid on top of each other


Latin agglomerre, agglomert-, to mass together : ad-, ad- + glomerre, to form into a ball (from glomus, glomer-, ball)


1. Clustered

2. Collective

3. Assemblage

4. Mound

5. Accumulation

6. Compost pile

7. Compost heap


1. Individual

2. Part

3. Unit

Contextual Example:

• By their very nature, agglomerate structures have higher surface areas than spherical particles with the same equivalent diameter and are generally less dense.

Related Words:

Agglomerative : Adjective

Agglomerator : Noun

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