Letter Asking for Testimonials

This is a sample
Letter Asking for Testimonials. Write a letter to your headmaster asking for a testimonial.

From :

G. Ravindran,
182 / MK : Church Road,
Tamil Nadu,
PIN : 621802

To :

The Head Master,
NNKJ Higher Secondary School,
Thillai Nager,
Tamil Nadu,
PIN : 600002

7th June 2009

Respected Sir,

I was a student of your school during 2001-2008. I passed my Plus Two in March 2008 with good marks. I wish to apply for the post of Clerk in the Postal Department in my Native Place Jayankondam. I am urgently in need of my certificate. I request you to give it to me as early as possible. I have enclosed a stamped and self addressed envelop for reply-post.

Thanking You.

Yours Truly,

G. Ravindran

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