Letter apologizing for absence

This is a Letter apologizing for absence.

12th January 2001.


Mr. Johnny Kay,
Centurion Enterprises Company,
456, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82000 Pontian,


Mr. Lee Wing Wan,
Lee Pharmacy,
EWQ, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82/ABC Pontian,

Dear Mr. Lee,

I wish to apologize for not being able to attend your company’s New Year Eve’s Dinner even though I had said I would come.

Last 31 December, I suddenly received a telephone call at noon from my aunt in New York saying that my uncle had met with an accident and was seriously injured. So, I had to rush up to New York to see what I could. I am like a son to them as they are childless. The following few days saw me rushing back and forth between the hospital and my aunt’s house doing what I could for them. I am glad to say that my uncle is out of danger now. But, he has to stay in hospital for at least 3 months for his broken bones to mend.

Anyhow I hope you all had a successful dinner. Perhaps, I can attend the next one.

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Johnny Kay)


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