Letter of Complaint

This is a
Letter of complaint about unfair marking in Examination:

Mr. Rajah is a student of 10th standard under CBSE stream in INDIA. He had completed his annual examination and after few days the results were announced. He got his marks for all his subjects. He felt that he had been marked very low marks for his ENGLISH paper. He wrote a letter to the Controller of Examination complaining that he had been marked unfair.

16 NAYA Bazaars,
Sri Niger Colony,

9th May 2001.


The Controller of Examinations,
Central Board of School Education,
New Delhi,

Dear Sir,

I beg to state that the result of 10th standard of CBSE examination in ENGLISH shows that I scored only 36 per cent which is bare pass mark.

This mark is not only impossible but contrary to all logic. I have never scored less than 80 per cent in all my school examination. Besides, I discussed my examination question paper with my English teachers and on the basis of my performance they predicted that I would score at least 85 per cent marks. What is more preposterous is that students who never scored more than 40 per cent are among the top bracket of 75 per cent and above.

I suspect unfair marking or some grave discrepancy in recording marks. I therefore request you to order a re-evaluation of my ENGLISG paper.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Siganature of Rajah

My roll no: 3451-AS

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