Difficult Words :

Rhetoric and Revere

Difficult Words : Rhetoric and Revere

Revere (ri VEER) v: to respect highly, to honor

Einstein was a preeminent scientist who was revered by everyone, even his rivals. Einstein enjoyed nearly universal reverence.

To be irreverent is to be mildly disrespectful.

Peter made jokes about his younger sister's painting. Peter’s sister was perturbed at his irreverence and began to cry.

Rhetoric (RET ur ik) n: the art of formal speaking or writing, inflated discourse

A talented public speaker might be said to be skilled in rhetoric.

The word is often used in a pejorative sense to describe speaking or writing that is skillfully executed but insincere or devoid of meaning. A political candidate's speech that was long on drama and promises but short on genuine substance might be dismissed as mere rhetoric.

To use rhetoric is to be rhetorical. A rhetorical question asked only for rhetorical effect.

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