11th May

The events happened on 11th May are :

330 : “New Rome” established by Constantine : On this day in 330, Constantine the Great dedicated Byzantium (Constantinople; now Istanbul) as the new capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, an act that helped transform it into a leading city of the world.

1943 : U.S. troops invaded Attu, one of the Aleutian Islands captured by the Japanese in 1942.

1918 : American theoretical physicist Richard P. Feynman was born in New York City.

1910 : Glacier National Park was established in the Rocky Mountain wilderness of northwestern Montana.

1888 : American composer Irving Berlin, who played a leading role in the evolution of the popular song from the early ragtime and jazz eras through the golden age of musicals, was born in Russia.

1885 : American jazz cornetist King Oliver was born in Abend, Louisiana.

1846 : U.S. President James K. Polk asked Congress to declare war on Mexico.

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