Anagrams of Celebrities

Here are some of the funniest and best Anagrams of Celebrities ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.

Names of famous people are one of the favorite targets of anagrammers. Here's a few Anagrams of Celebrities for you to enjoy. The first is a list of anagrams from the world of politics.

George Bush… He bugs Gore

President Bush of the USA… A fresh one, but he's stupid

Osama bin Laden… A bad man (no lies)

The terrorist Osama Bin Laden… Arab monster is no idle threat

Saddam Hussein… UN's said he's mad

The president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein… Press had to enquire if this man's dead

Milosevic… Cos I'm evil

Adolf Hitler… Do real filth

Adolf Hitler… Heil, old fart

Monica Lewinsky… Nice silky woman

Margaret Thatcher… That great charmer

Chairman Mao… I am on a march

Emperor Octavian… Captain over Rome

The next group of anagrams of famous names consists mostly of celebrities from the entertainment world. From Elvis and Madonna to William Shakespeare and Homer Simpson, these anagrams show the amusing results of rearranging the letters in your name. Here's a few Anagrams of Celebrities for you to enjoy.

Elvis - Lives

Elvis Aaron Presley… seen alive? Sorry, pal

Madonna Louise Ciccone… One cool dance musician

Clint Eastwood… Old West action

The late George Harrison… Singer: Altogether a hero

Alec Guinness… Genuine class

The actress Mae West… Cast me, sweethearts

William Shakespeare… I am a weakish speller

William Shakespeare… I'll make a wise phrase

William Shakespeare… He's like a lamp, I swear

Madame Curie… Me, Radium ace

Marilyn Manson… Manly man? No sir

Leonardo da Vinci… Did color in a nave

Florence Nightingale… Angel of the reclining

Nurse Florence Nightingale… Heroine curing fallen gents

A Homer Simpson… Mr Homo sapiens

Giovanni Pergolesi… I love opera singing

Noël Coward is… no Oscar Wilde

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson… Select odd words, laughing

M. Caine… Cinema

Did you know that guitar legend ERIC CLAPTON is a NARCOLEPTIC? Or that pop singer BRITNEY SPEARS is a member of the PRESBYTERIANS? Or that actress MEG RYAN hails from GERMANY? Well, actually, such observations are only true logo logically. These are examples of famous people whose combined first and last names can be anagrammed into a single English word.

In addition to these three examples, which are fairly well-known among celebrity-one-word-anagram fans, here are a few more that have appeared in print. Most of these were published in The Enigma. A few were collected via e-mail correspondence. Here's a few Anagrams of Celebrities for you to enjoy.

Al Gore …gaoler US Vice President)

Tom Cruise… costumier(actor)

Ed Asner… endears (actor)

Sal Mineo… semolina (actor)

Sid Caesar… ascarides (comedian)

Liam Brady… admirably(Irish footballer)

Tim Russ… truisms (Star Trek actor)

Al Green… general (singer)

Al Green… enlarge (singer)

Donna Rice… ordinance (remember Gary Hart)

Roger Daltrey… retrogradely ("The Who" singer)

All single words in this article can be found in Webster's Third Unabridged.

Also well-known but still remarkable is 1970s baseball player Al Kaline whose name becomes a word alkaline by simply joining the parts with no rearrangement. Here's a few Anagrams of Celebrities for you to enjoy.

Art Aragon… Tarragona (actor)

Lance Burton… contubernal (Vegas magician)

Dean Cain… canadine (actor)

Elias Canetti… inelasticate (writer; Nobel, 1981)

Peter Case… treescape (rock musician)

Michael Coats… machicolates (American astronaut)

Erin Gray… grainery (actress)

Ted Gray… tragedy (50s baseball player)

Corey Haim… cherimoya (actor)

Tess Harper… spheraster (actress)

Ian Holm… hominal (actor)

Tom Landry… mordantly (Dallas Cowboys coach)

Don Larsen… Norseland (baseball pitcher)

Brenda Lee… reenabled (singer)

Stan Lee… leanest (comic book legend)

Ron Necciai… Ciceronian (minor-league pitcher)

Carre Otis… crostarie (model)

Carol Potter… protectoral (actress)

Paul Reubens… unsuperable (Pee-Wee Herman)

Rita Sever… arrestive (NBC TV host)

Ken Stabler… blanketers (American footballer)

Rise Stevens… restiveness (50s singer)

Marty Allen… maternally (comic)

Pearl Buck… parbuckle (writer)

Ned Glass… gladness (actor)

Marty Ingels… streamingly (actor)

Mark Lenard… land marker (Star Trek actor)

Anita Morris… Rotarianism (actress/dancer)

Carl Wilson …Cornwallis (Beach Boy)

Ben Gould… bludgeon (actor)

Carl Mathieu… rheumatical (actor/composer)

Carlos East …escalators (actor)

Dennis Cole… declension (actor)

Eric Cantona… canceration (actor [and footballer])

Gerry Marsden… gerrymanders (60s rocker)

Ingrid Steeger… deregistering (German actress)

Lou Reed… urodele (poet, singer)

Martin Gore… germinator (Depeche Mode-r)

Paul Le Mat… ampullate (actor)

Malin Ek… manlike (Swedish actress)

Peter Sands… depressant (British actor)

Anne Rice… narceine (writer)

And now a few more Anagrams of Celebrities, in which the word is at least partially related to the person involved.

Travis Lee… versatile (Arizona baseball player)

Eddie Albert… deliberated (actor)

Robert Alda… bardolater (actor)

Brad Rowe… wardrobe (actor)

Lisa Loeb… isolable (singer/songwriter)

Tim Russert… mistruster ("Meet the Press" host)

Art Rochester… orchestrater (Hollywood sound man)

Cass Elliot… oscillates (singer)

Steve Irwin… interviews (Animal Planet host)

At least we hope that Robert Alda did some Shakespeare at some point in his career. Note that Art Rochester's very apt anagram uses the alternative spelling. Of these, the last three are quite remarkably appropriate.

The longest one-word celebrity anagrams we have encountered are 13 letters in length (a tie between Britney Spears, Eddie Charlton, and Ingrid Steeger). Word Ways readers are challenged to try and beat this record.

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