
English Grammar Index

Questions Page

Fill up the blanks with the suitable articles (A, AND, THE)

  1. It is true that his error amounted to less than one tenth of the percent, in the total, but it was an error all same.

  2. Rajaji was a popular statesman. He was an effective speaker both in Tamil and English. He translated the Mahabharata into English. The Government of India honoured him with “Bharat Ratna”.

  3. Mani was on a visit to Mumbai. On the way he lost a purse. He sent a telegram to his father for sending an amount of Rs. 300/-.

  4. Ours was the middle class family. Still I wanted to study medicine and become a doctor. My aim was to render service to the poor in the villages.

  5. In the evening a stranger walks towards the seas. The roaring sea was with big waves and an old man was seen there.

  6. The Ganges is the longest river in India. It originates at the place called Gangotri. Banaras, an ancient town, is situated on its bank.

  7. Madurai is known as the temple city. It is a well planned city. The people of this city are hospitable and kind a European took several photos of the surrounding places.

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