Difficult Words : Complacent, Compendium, Complement, Complicity and Comprehensive

Difficult Words ( Complacent, Compendium, Complement, Complicity and Comprehensive ) and their usages have been explained here in detail.

Compendium (kum PEN dee um) u: a summary; an abridgment

A yearbook often contains a compendium of the offenses, foibles, and crimes of the members of the senior class.


Complement (KOM Pluh munt) u: to complete or fill up; to be the perfect counterpart

This word is often confused with compliment, which means to praise. It's easy to tell them apart. Complement is spelled like complete. The flower arrangement complemented the table decorations.

Complement can also be a noun. Fish-flavored ice cream was a perfect complement to the seafood dinner.

Complacent (kum PLAY sunt) adj: self-satisfied; overly pleased with oneself; contented to a fault

The complacent camper paid no attention to the bear prowling around his camp site and the bear ate him up.

The football team won so many games that it became complacent and the worst team in the league snuck up and beat it.

To fall into complacency is to become comfortably uncaring about the world around you.

The president of the student council was appalled by the complacency of his classmates; not one of the seniors seemed to care whether the theme of the prom was "you Light My Life" or “You Color My world"

Don't confuse complacent with complaisant (kum PLAY zunt) which means eager to please.


Complicity (kum PLIS i tee) n: participation in wrongdoing; the act of being an accomplice

There was complicity between the bank robber and the dishonest teller. The teller neglected to turn on the alarm and the robber rewarded him by sharing the loot.

Complicity among the students made it impossible to find out which of them had set fire to the Spanish teacher.


Comprehensive (KOM Pri HEN siv) adj: covering or including everything.

The insurance policy was comprehensive. It covered all possible losses.

A comprehensive examination is one that covers everything in the course or everything in a particular field of knowledge.

Mabel's knowledge of English was comprehensive. She even understood what comprehensive means.

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