Difficult Words : Copious, Convivial, Corollary, Corroborate, Cosmopolitan and Countenance

Difficult Words: Copious, Convivial, Corollary, Corroborate, Cosmopolitan and Countenance

Convivial (Kun VIV ee ul) adj: fond of partying; festive

A convivial gathering is one in which the people present enjoy eating drinking and being together.

To be convivial is to be an eager but generally well-behaved party animal.

A convivial person is the opposite of an antisocial person.


Copious (KOH pee us) adj: abundant; plentiful

The champagne at the wedding reception was copious but not very good.

Harry had a copious supply of nails is his workshop. Everywhere you stepped, it seemed, there was a pile of nails.

We ate copiously at the banquet and went home feeling quite sick.


Corollary (KAWR uh LER y) n: something that follows; natural consequence

In Mathematics, a corollary is a law that can be deduced without further proof from a law that has already been proved.

Bloodshed and death are corollaries of any declaration of war.

Higher prices were a corollary of the two companies' agreement not to compete.


Corroborate (kuth ROB uh RATE) v: to confirm; to back up with evidence. I knew my statement was correct when my colleague corroborated it.

Hinny Penny's contention that the sky was falling could not be corroborated. That is, no one was able to find any fallen sky.

The police could find no evidence of theft and thus could not corroborate Bill's claim that he had been robbed.


Cosmopolitan (KOZ muh POL I tun) adj: at home in many places or situation; internationally sophisticated

Huey's interests were cosmopolitan. He liked Greek wine, German beer, Dutch cheese, Japanese cars and French fries.

A truly cosmopolitan traveler never feels like a foreigner anywhere on earth.

New York is a cosmopolitan city. You can hear nearly every language in the world spoken there.


Countenance (KOUN tuth nuns) n: face, facial expression, especially an encouraging one

His father's confident countenance gave Lou the courage to persevere.

Ed's harsh words belied his countenance which was kind and encouraging.

countenance can also be a verb. To countenance something is to condone it or tolerate it.

Dad countenanced our backyard rock fights even though he didn't really approve of them.

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