GMAT Idioms

Word List: GMAT Idioms

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A debate over
A lot
A native of
A responsibility to
A result of
A sequence of
Able + infinitive
Access to
Agree on + gerund
Agree on + noun
Agree to
Agree with
Aid + person/thing
Allows for
Appeal to
Are in danger of + gerund
As an instance of
As good as...or better than
As good as/or better than
As great as
As much as
Ask + infinitive
Ask + person + infinitive
Associate with
Attend to (someone)
Attribute to
Attribute x to y/x is attributed to y
Base on
Based on
Begin + infinitive
Believe x to be y
Boom in
Both x and y
Built by
Care about
Care for
Centers on
Centers on + person/thing
Choose + infinitive
Compare a to b
Compare a with b
Concerned with
Conform to
Consider + person/thing
Consistent with
Contend that
Continue + infinitive
Contrast a with b
Convert to
Count on + person/thing
Created with
Decide + infinitive
Decide on + thing/person
Defined as
Delighted by
Depend on
Depends on whether
Depicted as
Different from
Different from/differ from
Difficult + infinitive
Disclose to + person/organization
Distinguish between x and y
Distinguish from
Distinguish x from y
Distinguishes between x and y
Doubt that
Draw + thing
Draw on (take out)
Dream of/about
Dwindle from
Easy to
Elect + person
Elect to
Emerges from
Enable + person + infinitive
Enable to
Encourage + person + infinitive
Escape from
Except for + gerund
Except for + person/thing
Explain to
Expose to
Fail to
Fascinated by
Flee from
Focus on + thing/person
Forbid to
Forbid x to do y
Force + thing/person + infinitive
Get credit for/give credit for
Give credit for
Grow from
Grow out of
Help + thing/person + infinitive
Identical with
In contrast to
Independent from
Indicate that
Indicate to + person
Indifferent towards
Inherit from
Invest in
Leads to
Localized in
Make + thing/person + verb (simple form)
Manage to
Mistake + thing/person + for
Modeled after
More than ever
Native to
Need to
Not only...but also
Not so
Originate in
Permit + thing/person + infinitive
Potential to
Prized as
Prized for
Prohibit from + gerund
Prohibits x from doing y
Promise of + thing
Promise to
Published by
Published in
Range from x to y
Refer to
Regard as
Require + thing/person + infinitive
Resemble + thing/person
Responsible for
Resulting in
Results from
Results in
Retroactive to
Rivalry between x and y
Save for
Save from
Seek + infinitive
Seek + thing/person
Seem + infinitive
Sleep with
So (adjective) that
So x as to be y
Speak to + person
Speak with + person
Subscribe to
Take advantage of
Teach + person + infinitive
Teach + person + thing
Tell + person
The rivals x and y
The same to x as to y
Tie to
To be + composed of + thing
To be + essential to + person/thing
To be + necessary + infinitive
To be + used to + gerund
To be + willing + infinitive
To be drawn to + thing/person
To contrast x with y
To credit with
To mistake x for y
To result in
To sacrifice x for y
Transmit to
Use + person/thing + infinitive
Used + infinitive

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