GMAT-Model Questions

There are three sections in the Computer Adaptive Test of GMAT.

They are:

1. Writing Assignment :

In this section, two assignments will be given with thirty minutes for each assignment.

a. Analysis of an Issue

(i) An Introduction : Here is the List of 140 topics.

(ii) Sample Essays

a. Analysis of An Argument
(i) An Introduction : Here is the List of 140 topics.

(ii) Sample Essays

2. Quantitative Section :

In this section, 37 questions will be asked in two sub-sections.These 37 questions should be answered in 75 minutes.
a. Data sufficiency

b. Problem Solving

3. Verbal Section :

In this section 41 question will be asked in three sub-sections. These 41 questions should be answered in 75 minutes.
a. Sentence Correction

b. Critical Reasoning

c. Reading Comprehension

Click the particlular sub-section which you want to visit and you will be there.

Acknowledgement : All the materials that we have produced here are the ones take from the materials provided by American Education Aids : Chennai - INDIA. To know more about this institute, visite their website :

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