Greek Prefixes
Greek Prefixes are widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.
Here is the list of Greek Prefixes. A (an) – without Atheist, apathy, anarchy Amphi – around, on both sides Amphitheatre, amphibious Ana – up, back Analysis, anachronism Anti (ant) – against Antipathy, apology Apo(ap) – from Apostate, apology Arch (archu) – chief Arch-bishop, arch angel, architect Auto – self Autobiography, autograph Cata – down Cataract, catastrophe, catalogue Di – twice Dilemma Dia – through Diameter, diagonal Dys –badly Dysentery, dyspepsia En (em) – in Encyclopedia, emblem Epi – upon Epilogue, epitaph Eu – well Eulogy, euphony, eugenics Ex (ec) – out of Exodus, eccentric Hemi – half, Hemisphere Homo (hom) – like Homogeneous, homonym Hyper – over, beyond Hyperbole, hypercritical Hypo – under Hypocrite, hypothesis Meta (met) – implying change Metaphor, metonymy Mono – alone, single Monopoly, monophony, monoplane Pan – all Panacea, panorama, pantheism Para – beside, by the side of, Parallel, paradox, parasite Peri – round Period, perimeter, periscope Philo (phil)– love Philosophy, philanthropy Pro – before Prophesy, programme Syn (sym, syl, sy ) – with, together Synonym, sympathy, syllable, system Prefixes IndexFrom Greek Prefixes to HOME PAGE |