Irregular Verbs - Simple Past
Word List: Irregular Verbs - Simple Past315 Matching Entries Browse our collection of word lists which allow you to examine words more closely. Provide descriptions of words alongside dictionary definitions and a list of related words. Abided Abode Arose Ate Awoke Beat Became Befell Began Begat Begot Beheld Bent Bereft Beset Besought Bet Bethought Betook Bid Bit Bled Blew Bore Bought Bound Bred Broadcast Broadcasted Broke Brought Browbeat Built Burned Burnt Burst Bust Came Cast Caught Chid Chose Clad Clothed Clung Cost Crept Cut Dared Dealt Did Dived Dove Drank Dreamed Dreamt Drew Drove Dug Durst Dwelt Fed Fell Felt Fit Fitted Fled Flew Flung Forbad Forbade Forbore Forecast Forecasted Foreknew Foreran Foresaw Foretold Forewent Forgave Forgot Forsook Forswore Fought Found Froze Gainsaid Gave Gilded Gilt Got Grew Ground Had Hamstringed Hamstrung Hanged Heard Heaved Held Hewed Hid Hit Hove Hung Hurt Inbred Inlaid Input Inputted Interbred Interwove Kept Kneeled Knelt Knew Knit Knitted Laded Laid Lay Leaned Leant Leaped Leapt Learned Learnt Led Left Lent Let Lit Lost Made Meant Melted Met Miscast Misdealt Misgave Misheard Mislaid Misled Misread Misspelt Misspent Mistook Misunderstood Mowed Outbid Outdid Outgrew Outran Outrode Outshone Outsold Overate Overbore Overcame Overdid Overheard Overhung Overlaid Overleaped Overleapt Overpaid Overran Overrode Oversaw Overshot Overslept Oversold Overthrew Overtook Paid Partook Pleaded Pled Preset Proofread Proved Put Quit Ran Rang Read Rebound Rebuilt Recast Redid Relaid Remade Rent Repaid Reran Reset Resold Rethought Retold Rewound Rewrote Rid Ridded Rived Rode Rose Said Sang Sank Sat Saw Sawed Sent Set Sewed Shat Shaved Sheared Shed Shit Shod Shone Shook Shore Shot Showed Shrank Shrove Shut Slept Slew Slid Slit Slung Slunk Smelled Smelt Smote Sold Sought Sowed Span Spat Sped Spelt Spent Spilt Split Spoiled Spoilt Spoke Spoonfed Sprang Spread Spun Stank Stole Stood Stove/Staved Strewed Strided Strode Strove Struck Strung Stuck Stung Sunburned Sunburnt Swam Sweeped Swelled Swept Swore Swung Taught Thought Threw Thrived Throve Thrust Told Took Tore Trod Unbent Unbound Underbid Underlay Understood Undertook Underwent Underwote Undid Unwound Upheld Upset Was Waylaid Wedded/Wed Went Wept Were Wetted/Wet Withdrew Withheld Withstood Woke Won Wore Wound Wove Wrote Wrought Wrung Words List IndexFrom Irregular Verbs to HOME PAGE |