Letter requesting parents

This is sample of Letter requesting parents to attend School Function:

Navyug Public School,

16th Sep. 2003.

Dear Parent,

You will be happy to know that our school is organizing a cultural function on 9th Oct.2003 (11am to 5 pm) to collect funds for the aid of handicapped children of our district. The funds will be used to provide the handicapped with prosthetic limbs and enroll at least ten of them to our school. Special ramps and vehicles have to be fixed or bought for them.

Kindly come with family and friends and enjoy yourself with food prepared by our handicapped students. There are games and races at Bandera Community Hall.

Your expenses for a day’s fun with your family will go a long way to making a handicapped child’s life more worthwhile.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

(Signature of The Principal)

The Principal

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