Prefix BI

Prefix BI is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix BI.

  1. Biangular

  2. Biannual

  3. Biaxial

  4. Bicameral

  5. Bicapsular

  6. Bicarbonate

  7. Bicentennial

  8. Bicephalous

  9. Biceps

  10. Biconcave

  11. Biconvex

  12. Bicuspid

  13. Bicycle

  14. Biennial

  15. Bifocals

  16. Biform

  17. Bifurcate

  18. Bigamy

  19. Bilabial

  20. Bilateral

  21. Bilingual

  22. Bimanual

  23. Bimonthly

  24. Binaural

  25. Binocular

  26. Binomial

  27. Biography

  28. Bipartisan

  29. Biped

  30. Biphenyl

  31. Bipinnate

  32. Bipolar

  33. Biracial

  34. Bisect

  35. Bisexual

  36. Bivalve

  37. Biweekly

  38. Biyearly

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