Prefix CO

Prefix CO is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix CO.

  1. Coacervate

  2. Coadaptation

  3. Coadapted

  4. Coadjutor

  5. Coadjutrices

  6. Coadjutrix

  7. Coalification

  8. Coalify

  9. Coalition

  10. Coalitionist

  11. Coapt

  12. Coaptation

  13. Co-author

  14. Codominant

  15. Coed

  16. Coeducation

  17. Coeducational

  18. Coefficient

  19. Coenzymatic

  20. Coenzymatically

  21. Coenzyme

  22. Coenzyme

  23. Coequal

  24. Coequality
  25. Coequally

  26. Coeval

  27. Coevality

  28. Coevolution

  29. Coevolutionary

  30. Coevolve

  31. Coexist

  32. Coexistence

  33. Coexistent

  34. Coextensive

  35. Coextensively

  36. Cofounder

  37. Cofunction

  38. Cohabit

  39. Cohabitant

  40. Cohabitation

  41. Coinfect

  42. Coinfection

  43. Coinsurance

  44. Coinsure

  45. Coinsurer

  46. Cooptation

  47. Co-pilot

  48. Cotangent

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