Prefix EN

Prefix EN is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix EN.

  1. Enable

  2. Enabled

  3. Enabler

  4. Enabling

  5. Enact

  6. Enactment

  7. Enactor

  8. Enalapril

  9. Enamel

  10. Enamelled

  11. Enameller

  12. Enamelling

  13. Enamellist

  14. Enamelled

  15. Enamelling

  16. Enamelware

  17. Enamine

  18. Enamour

  19. Enamoured

  20. Enamouring

  21. Enamour

  22. Encage

  23. Encamp
  24. Encampment

  25. Encapsulate

  26. Encapsulated

  27. Encapsulated

  28. Encapsulating

  29. Encapsulation

  30. Encapsule

  31. Encapsuled

  32. Encapsuling

  33. Encase

  34. Encasement

  35. Encash

  36. Encashable

  37. Encashment

  38. Enchain

  39. Enchainment

  40. Enchant

  41. Enchanter

  42. Enchanting

  43. Enchantingly

  44. Enchantment

  45. Enchantress

  46. Enchase

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