Review Any Specifications For Your Document

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Review any specifications for your document. Before you start editing, check to see that you’ve done what you were asked to do. If it’s an academic assignment, is a certain length specified? Does the assignment call for a certain type size and margins of a specific width? A separate title page? Running heads at the top of each page? Does the assignment ask for an annotated bibliography rather than just a “works cited” page? If the assignment is a brochure, have you covered all important points and included mailing address, email addresses and phone number? If you’re writing a column for a newsletter or newspaper, have you stayed within the word limit?

Other Pages in This Section :

Check Details for Accuracy and Consistency.

Check for Awkwardly Repeated Words.

Check for The Most Common Errors.

Check Your Spelling And Run A Spell Checker.

Consider The Way Your Writing Looks.


Successful Writing Index

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