The Noun Clause
Grammar Index : 2
The Noun Clause does the function of a noun in a sentence.
Examples :
I feared that I would fail.
He expected that we would go by his words.
What she got is what I donated to her.
He replied that he would come to the function.
To reply to him in time is what we are supposed to do now.
We have to give him $12000 which we borrowed from him a long time back.
All are allowed to take their lunch at the canteen which we have opened recently.
She said what she was supposed to say.
I will give him which I got from him.
This is what you gave me.
(The boldened parts of these sentences are Noun Clauses)
The Other Two Types of The Subordinate Clause are :
(i) The Adjective Clause
(ii) The Adverb Clause
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