The Successful Sample CV

The Successful Sample CV is the product of careful thought and planning.

Mary J. Morris,
The Larches,
Spottonham Road,
SP12 5MS.

TELEPHONE : 01854 658194

Experience :

2001–Present :

Education and Publications Officer, Boston Museum. Responsible for organizing Annual programme of school visits, lectures, and holiday courses. In charge of liaison with primary and secondary schools. Preparing and publishing a range of leaflets and mini-guides to the Museum’s collections. Managing an annual budget of £40,000.

1996–2001 :

Head of Humanities, Larswick Middle School. Responsible for department of four teaching history, geography, religious education. Preparing and administering departmental policy documents. Member of School’s Senior Management Team. Pastoral care tutor to 35 pupils. Responsible for school magazine.

1992–1996 :

Teacher of History at St Wulfstan’s High School, Scunthorpe. Teaching pupils across full ability and age range (11-18). Preparing classes for GCSE examinations, GCE ‘A’ levels and university entrance. House tutor.

Qualifications and Training :

• Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of Hull

• BA Honours 2nd class, History and Economics, York University

• ‘A’ level English, History, French

• ‘0’ level English Language, English Literature, Maths, French, History, Geography, Biology

Interests :

• Mountain walking and rock climbing

• Foreign travel

• Voluntary social work with local women’s refuge

Referees :

Dr P. J. Cleary,
Director - Boston Museum,
BO1 2RF.

Mrs. S. P. Greenwick,
34, High Street,
GU23 9BV.

Complementary Links:

How to write a Successful CV?
A few Useful tips for getting your letter right.
A few Useful Phrases for Business Letters.
A few Useful Phrases for Employment.
A few Useful Phrases for Social Purposes.

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