Top 10 BLUNDERS in Written English

Top 10 BLUNDERS in Written English :

Just as we make mistakes while speaking English, we commit errors while writing as well. Some are mistakes of grammar and others are confusion with word use. Here is the list of those top 10 mistakes that we commit while writing in English.

  1. Assure vs Ensure
  2. Anyway and Anyways
  3. Whose vs Who's
  4. Chosen vs Choosen
  5. Loose vs Lose
  6. Criterion vs Criteria
  7. Phenomenon vs Phenomena
  8. Incomplete Sentences
  9. Long Sentences
  10. Thanking You

The Other Mistakes Usually Committed by Us :

  • Yours Faithfully
  • Revert
  • Use of SINCE and FOR
  • Improve and Improvise
  • A FEW and FEW
  • Myself
  • Incident Vs Incidence
  • Use of Slang and Expletives
  • IF and UNLESS
  • Use of MORE for Comparative Degree
  • Repeat and Return
  • Use of The Present Continuous
  • Random Shifts in Tense
  • Use of Dual Time Markers
  • Use of HAVE
  • Unnecessary Use of Articles
  • Unnecessary Use of Determiners
  • Absence Use of Articles
  • Absence Use of Determiners
  • Absence of Subject-Verb Concord
  • Replacing All Nouns with Pronouns
  • Use of The Double Comparative
  • Use of The Double Superlative
  • Use of Double Negation
  • Use of Phrasal Verbs
  • Redundant Usage

    Incorrect and Correct Sentences :

  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 1
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 2
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 3
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 4
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 5
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 6
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 7
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 8
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 9
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 10
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 11
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 12
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 13
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 14
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 15
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 16
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 17
  • Incorrect and Correct Sentences - 18

    Top 10 BLUNDERS in Written English
