postThis ROOT-WORD is the Prefix POST with means AFTER & BEHIND. There is another word post which has to do with mailing, postage and Post Office. But that word is not this root. This root POST means AFTER, BEHIND & FOLLOWING. When you meet words with POST just take a second to see whether the sentence has anything to do with mailing. If it has, you need go no further - it is not our root. One thing that always means our root POST- AFTER is P.M. - POST meridian, afternoon. 1. Postern : POST ern (pose’ tern) adj. Situated at the back, rear; as, the postern gate 2. Posterity : POST erity (poster; it ee) n. Those who come after; descendants 3. Postifix : POST fix (post fiks’) v. To add to end of syllable or word; affix 4. Postgeniture : POST geniture (post jen’ i jur) n. The state of being born after another 5. Postgraduate : POST graduate (post graj’ u at) adj. Relating to studies after graduation 6. Posthumous : POST humous (pos’ chum us) adj. After death; often said of writings published after the author’s death 7. Posterior : POST erior (po ster’ ee or) adj. Later in time; coming after 8. Postlude : POST lude (post’ lude)n. The closing piece on the program 9. Postmarital : POST marital (post mar’ i tal) adj. Relating to after the marriage 10. Post meridian : POST meridian (post me rid’ ee an) adj. After the sun has passed the meridian; P.M 11. Postmortal : POST mortal (post mor’ tal) adj. Relating to after death 12. Postmortem : POST mortem (post mort’ em) adj. After death; as, a postmortem examination 13. Postmutative : POST multative (post mue’ ta tiv) adj. Causing changes by the use of suffixes 14. Postnatal : POST natal (post nate’ al) adj. Referring to the period immediately after birth 15. Post-obit : POST - obit (poe stoe’ bit) adj. Happening after death; as, a post-obit gift 16. Postorbital : POST orbital (poe stor’ bit al) adj. Situated behind the socket of the eye 17. Postpone : POST pone (post pone’) v. Delay; set he date back 18. Postponement : POST ponement (post pone’ ment) n. A delay; holding back until a later date 19. Postprandial : POST prandial (post pran’ dee al) adj. After the feast; after the meal 20. Postscript : POST script (post; script) n. A note added to a letter after it has been signed
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