
ROOT-WORD is VAC which comes from the Latin vocare which means TO EMPTY. There seems to be a difference between our ideas of VACancy and the continental idea of the same word. To us VACant means EMPTY, exactly as the Latin Root says. To the French and British it means freedom from the job, time off from the job.

1. Vocate : VAC ate (vay’ kate) v.

To make empty; to leave

2. Vacant : VAC and (vay’ kant) adj.

Empty; not occupied

3. Vacancy : VAC ancy (vay’ kan see) n.

The state of being empty

4. Evacuant : e VAC uant (e vak’ yu ant) n.

A purgative

5. Vacation : VAC ation (vay kay’ shun) n.

A rest from work; a holiday

6. Vacational : VAC ational (vay kay’ shun al) adj.

Relating to a vacation

7. Vacationist : VAC ationist (vay kay’ shu nist) n.

One who is one vacation

8. Vacuum : VAC uum (vak’ yu um) n.

A space entirely devoid of matter; an emptiness; as, nature abhors a vacuum

9. Vacual : VAC uous (vak’ yu al) adj.

Relating to a vacuum

10. Vacuous : VAC uous (vak’ yu wole) n.

A small cavity in space or tissue which contains air or fluid

11. Vacuole : VAC uole (vak’ yu wole) n.

A small cavity in space or tissue which contains air or fluid

12. Vacuolar : VAC uolar (vak yu woe’ lar) adj.

Relating to a vacuole

13. Vacuist : VAC uist (vak’ yu ist) n.

One who believes that a vacuum can exist

14. Vacuometer : VAC uometer (vak yu om’ e ter) n.

An instrument to measure low pressures

15. Evacuee : e VAC uee (e vak’ yu ee) n.

One who has been withdrawn from a bombing zone

16. Evacuate : e VAC uate (e vak’ yu ate) v.

To remove troops or people; to make empty

17. Evacuate : e VAC uate (e vak’ yu ate) v.

The act of removing troops or people

18. Evacuator : e VAC uator (e vak’ yu ay tor) n.

One who removes people from the danger zone

19. Vacantly : VAC antly (vay’ kant lee) adv.

Emptily; idly; inanely; as, staring vacantly

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