Facing Interviews

Facing Interviews is what we all have done or we are going to do. Many students come out successfully. Others fail there. Although facing interview is a tough task for all of us, we can come out successfully if we follow certain tactics and maintain cool composure. First of all we have to understand what the interviewing people want out of the students and what the students should expect from the interviewers.

Here is a summary of all about interview.

  1. What Interview means to YOU?
  2. Healthy Points for The Interview
  3. Unhealthy Factors for The Interview
  4. Check List : Before Attending The Interview
  5. How to Develop Self-Confidence?
  6. Positive Thinking
  7. Candidate's Expectation
  8. Recruiting Company's Expectation

Here are few typical interviews.

  • School Admission Interview
  • Counselling to Engineering College Admission
  • Interview for The M.B.A Course
  • The Campus Interview : 1
  • The Campus Interview : 2
  • Interview for The Post of B.T. Teacher
  • I.A.S. Selection Interview : 1
  • I.A.S. Selection Interview : 2
  • Private Firm Interview
  • Foreign Company Interview
  • A Job Interview

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