
ROOT-WORD is the Prefix AMPHI which means TWO & BOTH. In this list you will find some genuine oddities, as No. 16, NO. 13 and No. 18 sound rather terrible but they are not, as we ourselves have two nostrils and eat both flesh and vegetable foods. No. 15 and No. 17 are beautiful.AMPHI is not used as a suffix.

1. Amphibia : AMPHI bia (am fib’ ee a) n.

A class of vertebrates having characteristics of both fish and reptiles; as, frogs

2. Amphibious : AMPHI bious (am fib’ ee us) adj.

Capable of living on both land and water

3. Amphibiology : AMPHI biology (am fib i ol’ o ji) n.

That branch of zoology which is concerned with animals that live on both land and water

4. Amphibiotic : AMPHI biotic (am fi bie ot’ ik) adj. Living in water in the early stage, on land in adult life

5. Amphibology : AMPHI bology (am fi bol’ o jee) n.

Ambiguity arising from a phrase which can have two constructions

6. Amphibolous : AMPHI bolous (am fib’ o lus) adj.

Capable of having two meanings

7. Amphicarpic : AMPHI carpic (am fi kar’ pik) adj.

Producing two kinds of fruit

8. Amphichroic : AMPHI chroic (am fi kro’ ik) adj.

Producing tow colors

9. Amphicrania : AMPHI crania (am fi kray’ ni a) n.

Pain on both sides of the head

10. Amphibolia : AMPHI bolia (am fi boe’ li a) n.

Disease of high fever with fluctuating temperature

11. Amphibolic : AMPHI bolic (am fi bol’ ik) adj.

Uncertain; critical stages in disease

12. Amphilogism : AMPHI logism (am fil’ o jiz um) n.

Double talk; ambiguity of speech; equivocation

13. Amphirhina : AMPHI rhina (am fi rie’ na) n.

Vertebrates with double nasal chambers

14. Amphiscians : AMPHI scians (am fish’ i ans) n.

Inhabitants of the tropics

15. Amphitheater : AMPHI theater (am fi thee’ at er) n.

Arena theater in which the audience sits around the stage

16. Amphisbaena : AMPHI sbaena (am fis bee’ na) n.

Fabled serpent with a head on each end

17. Amphora : AMPH ora (am’ for a) n.

An ornamental jar with two handles

18. Amphivorous : AMPHI vorous (am fiv’ o rus) adj.

Eating animal and vegetable foods

19. Amphisarca : AMPHI sacra (am fi sar’ ka) n.

Fruits that are pulpy within, but have a hard rind outside

20. Amphorous : AMPH orous (am’ for us) adj.

Having a hollow sound

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