anni,annu & enni

ROOT-WORDS are ANNI, ANNU & ENNI meaning YEAR. It comes from the Latin word annus. You have often heard or used the phrase PER ANNUM; He earns $5,000 per annum or $5,000 a year. Do not confuse this key with other ROOT-WORDS which look similar. For example, annular comes from annulus which means a ring, nothing to do with year. There is also annual which comes from AD - TO; and nullus - nothing, to make void, as annual a marriage.The ROOT-WORD anni is widely used.

1. Per annum : per ANNU m (per an’ um) adv.

Latin. For a year; as, $5,000 per annum

2. Annuity : ANNU ity ( a nyue’ it ee) n.

An amount of money paid annually

3. Annuitant : ANNU itant (a nyue’ it ant) n.

One to whom an annuity is paid

4. Anniversary : ANNI versary (an i vers’ a ree) n.

The annual return of a day or event

5. Biennial : bi ENNI al (bie en’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in two years; or, lasting two years

6. Triennial : tri ENNI al (trie en’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in three years; or, lasting three years

7. Quadrennial : quadr ENNI al (kws dren’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in four years; or, lasting four years

8. Quadrennial : quadr ENNI um (kwa dren’ ee um) n.

A four-year period

9. Annual : ANNU al (an’ yu al) adj.

Relating to a year; every year

10. Annually : ANNU ally (an yu al ee) adv.

Yearly; as, dues collected annually

11. Quinquennial : quinqu ENNI al (kwin kwen’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in five years; or, lasting five years

12. Sexennial : sex ENNI al (seks en’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in six years; or lasting six years

13. Septennial : sept ENNi sl (sep ten’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in seven years; or, lasting seven years

14. Octennial : oct ENNI al (ok ten’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in eight years; or, lasting eight years

15. Decennial : dec ENNI al (de sen; ee al) adj.

Occurring once in ten years; or, lasting ten years

16. Centennial : cent ENNI al (sen ten’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in 100 years

17. Sesquicentennial: sesquicent ENNI al (ses kwi sen ten; ee al) adj.

Occurring once in 150 years

18. Bicentennial : bicent ENNI al (bie sen ten’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in 200 years

19. Tricentennial : tricent ENNI al (tries en ten’ ee al) adj.

Occurring once in 300 years

ROOT-WORDS are ANNI, ANNU & ENNI meaning YEAR. The ROOT-WORD anni is widely used.

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