
ROOT-WORD is GERM and it has no other meaning than itself, the thing it is, the mass of living substance that it is: the GERM. Whether or vegetation or of idea, the GERM is the vital part, and the incipient stage is as important as the final stage, if indeed, not more important. Whether we call it GERM, bacteria or microbe, the important question is “Are you for human life or bad? Are you for disease of for health"?

1. Germ : GERM (jerm) n.

Seed; living substance; as, the germ of an idea

2. Germal : GERM al (jer’ mal) adj.

Relating to a germ

3. Germane : GERM ane (jer mane’) adj.

Akin; closely allied

4. Germanity : GERM anity (jer man’ i ti) n.

Quality of kinship; relationship

5. Germicide : GERM icide (jer’ mi side) n.

An agent than destroys germs

6. Germifuge : GERM ifuge (jer’ mi fuje) adj.

Driving out germs

7. Germinable : GERM inable (jer’ mi na b’l) adj.

Having the capacity to germinate

8. Germinal : GERM inal (jerm’ in al) adj.

Relating to a germ cell; early stage

9. Germinant : GERM inant (jerk’ i nant) adj.

Beginning to grow; sprouting

10. Germinate : GERM inate (jer’ mi nate) n.

To grow; to sprout

11. Germination : GERM ination (jer mi nay’ shun) n.

The process of germinating

12. Germinative : GERM inative (jer’ mi nate iv) adj.

Causing to graw; tendency to grow

13. Germule : GERM ule (jer’ mule) n.

A tiny germ

14. Germin : GERM in (jer’ min) v.

To bud; to bud into

15. Germless : GERM less (jerm’ les) adj.

Free from germs

16. Germproof : GERM proof (jerm’ prufe) adj.

Germ repellent

17. Germy : GERM y (jer’ mi) adj.

Inclined to have germs

18. Germiparity : GERM iparity (jer mi par’ i ti) n.

Reproduction by germs

19. Germinator : GERM inator (jer’ mi nay tor) n.

A device for testing the capacity of seeds to germinate

20. Germling : GERM ling (jerm’ ling) n.

A young saprophyte; a new plant which produces spores

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