vita, vivi & viv

These ROOT-WORDS are VIV, VIVI & VITA which mean ALIVE & LIFE. They come from the Latin vita & vivus. These ROOTS lead on from the ancient barbaric practice of VIVIsepulture, to the modern barbaric practice of VIVIsection. As we travel we marvel at the VIVIparous guppy; at the salmon which gives us fish eggs for caviar. We rejoice at the discovery of VITAmins and wonder what the ancients did without this knowledge. Of course, they didn’t go to the drugstore to buy them, they just ate them in the growing foods.

1. Vital : VITA I (vite’ al) adj.

Relating to life; as, vital power

2. Vitaglass : VITA glass (vie’ ta glas) n.

A trademark for glass which allows ultraviolet rays to pass through it

3. Vitality : VITA lity (vi tal; i ty) n.

State and quality of being alive

4. Vitalize : VITA lize (vite’ al ize) v.

Endow with life; revive; vivify

5. Vitals : VITA is (vite’ alz) n.

The vital organs; essential parts; as heart, lungs, brain, liver, etc

6. Vitamin : VITA min (vite’ a min) n.

One of the essential constituents of foods

7. Vitaminize : VITA minize (vie’ ta mi nize) v.

Enrich foods by adding vitamins

8. Vitaminology : VITA minology (vie ta mi nol’ o ji) n.

Knowledge treating of the nature of vitamins

9. Vitascope : VITA scope (vite’ a skope) n.

A motion picture projector

10. Vivace : VIV ace (vee vach’ ay) adj.

In a brisk; lively; spirited manner

11. Vivacious : VIV acious (vi vay’ shus) adj.

Full of life; sprightly; as, vivacious wit

12. Vicacity : VIV acity (vi vas’ it ee) n.

Vital force; animation

13. Vivarium : VIV arium (vie var’ ee um) n.

A box, enclosed with glass, in which and animals are kept alive indoors

14. Viveur : VIV eur (vee ver’) n.

One who lives it up

15. Viviparous : VIV iparous (vie vip’ a rus) adj.

Bearing live young, not eggs

16. Vivisect : VIV isect (viv’ i sekt) v.

Cut for investigation

17. Vivisection : VIV isection (viv i sek’ shun) n.

The act of vivisecting for science

18. Vivisepulture : VIV isepulture (viv i sep’ ul tur) n.

The practice of burying people alive

19. Revive : re VIV e (re vive’) v.

Bring back to life

20. Survive : sur VIV e (Sur vive’) v.

Live through and beyond an ordeal

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