Use The Clearest Verb

Use the clearest, crispest, liveliest verb to express your thoughts. It is a simple truth that in most sentences you should express action through verbs, just as you do when you speak. Yet in so many sentences the verbs are smothered, all their vitality trapped beneath heavy noun phrases based on the verbs themselves.


  • I have now had sight of your letter to Mr Jones.

  • The group considers that the director of community services should proceed with the introduction of as many mini-recycling centres as the budget allows.

  • Notification has been received from the insurers that they wish to re-issue the Tenants Scheme Policy.

Reinstating the verb in the sentence produces much crisper writing.


  • I have now seen your letter to Mr Jones.

  • The group considers that the director of community services should introduce as many mini-recycling centres as the budget allows.

  • The insurers have notified us that they wish to re-issue the Tenants Scheme Policy.

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Keep Sentences Short.
Use words your readers are likely to understand.
Use only as many words as you really need.
Prefer the active voice.
Use the clearest, liveliest verb to express your thoughts.
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Put your points positively when you can.
Reduce cross-references to the minimum.
Try to avoid sexist usage.
Avoidable English Errors are so many.
Avoid fusty first sentences and formula finishes.
Put accurate punctuation at the heart of your writing.
Avoid being enslaved by seven writing myths.
Plan Before You Write.
Organize your material in a simple way.
Consider different ways of setting out your information.
Devote special effort to producing lucid instructions.
Use clear layout to present your plain words.

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