New Words

This chapter is devoted to neologisms - newly coined words or expressions : New Words. When words are first coined, instant approval is not what they meet with. Usually the first reaction is instant disapproval! For instance, when President John Fitzgerald Kennedy first used the word finalized, much to the horror of purists and most other users, the usage was roundly condemned. Today, we take the word for granted. Many words which you will find in this chapter are already widely used by all sections of users of English Language. Knowing these words will enrich your vocabulary and improve your communication potential.

Some of the words presented in this chapter are currently in colloquial and/or Internet Usage and may not be found even in the latest dictionaries. Wait a few years, though, and they will gatecrash into every respectable dictionary.

Each set contains 25 New Words.

  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 1
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 2
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 3
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 4
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 5
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 6
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 7
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 8
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 9
  • Click here for The New Words in SET - 10

  • Agriculture and Industry
  • Business
  • Food and Drinks
  • Government
  • Law and Order
  • Miscellaneous
  • Plants and Animals
  • Science and Mathematics
  • Search

